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Angels Landing is easily the most known hike in Zion National Park, and one of the most dangerous hikes. I suggest visiting Zion during early spring or fall to avoid crazy hot (or) cold temperatures and no matter what bring plenty of water, a small snack, and sunscreen.

In October of 2019, we were in Virgin, Utah for Red Bull Rampage and had an extra day in the area. We decided to venture into Zion National Park with friends we were with to attempt the Angels Landing hike. One mistake we made was not getting there as soon as Zion opened at 7AM. You want to do this hike early in the morning for two reasons: beat the crowds, beat the heat. Either way, here is our experience:

Entering the park was a breeze as Christian and I have an annual pass for National Parks. If you are not military or a pass owner, the cost to enter the park is $30. When you enter the park you will find parking lots near the entrance, these spaces do fill up quickly! Once we were parked and ready to go we waited for the bus that transports people to all of the different hikes and sights within Zion National Park. Since we were doing Angels Landing, we got off at stop #6 The Grotto. There are bathrooms at the beginning of the hike, take advantage of this!

We began the hike at a pretty good pace and the start of the trail is mostly dirt and easy to follow. Eventually, it will turn into a paved-rock trail that gets steep with small switchbacks and open exposure. This section of the trail will definitely get your legs burning. The next section of the trail gives you a bit of a break as it flattens out and becomes shaded. The last section to the .5 mile mark is full of steep switchbacks that are honestly exhausting and then it will flatten out to a huge plateau where you can go two different directions. Also, there are bathrooms up there! Just bring your own toilet paper or wet wipes, just throwing that out there from experience.

At the .5 mile mark the trail becomes sketchy and dangerous. You will see a chain connected to the mountain that will lead you in the right direction and most importantly is something to hold on to. One of the reasons I say to do this hike early in the morning is because it becomes a bit of a cluster when people are going both directions and one of the reasons this hike can be so dangerous. I trust my instincts and footing, but I do not necessarily trust the person coming the other direction.

We got roughly half way through the last half mile when we unanimously decided to stop where we were, enjoy the views, and turn around. It was very crowded the day that we were there, and safety is our first priority.

Overall, it was an amazing hike and when it says strenuous, it is truly a difficult hike due to the quick rise in elevation and climbing across rocks while holding onto metal chains. When we got back to the car it is safe to say we needed food ASAP. The guys were anxious to do a mountain bike ride, so we exited the park and ate at a a gas station turned mexican restaurant called the Whip Tail Grill, which was delicious!

If you are afraid of heights or do not do well in stressful situations this hike might not be for you and that is OK!!! I also would not suggest this hike on busy holidays and weekends. Either way there are so many gorgeous hikes in Zion to check out. The Narrows is next on my list!

All the love,
