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We never imagined having a gender reveal at Disney World. Don’t get me wrong, we love Disney World, but it had never crossed our minds. However, roughly 4 weeks before our trip to Florida we found out we were expecting baby number 2!

My babies Abuela knew we were planning on going to Magic Kingdom and she put the idea in our head of a gender reveal at Disney World. Right before we left for Orlando I had bloodwork done and the results were sent directly to my her. She, like me, loves to go above and beyond so I knew whatever she was planning I would love and truly appreciate.


The day was finally here. We headed to Magic Kingdom later in the morning, it was literally a monsoon so we waited out the rain. Everyone met us there and it was a crew, part of what made it so special. There were 10 of us, all family. We rode a few rides, grabbed a late lunch, and then decided it was time to do the reveal. We all split up, a couple of people went with Abuela to help her with the plans and the rest of us took our time heading over to the hub grass across from Casey’s Corner. She made sure to let us know which way to face so we couldn’t see her coming.

Finally, we could hear everyone behind us and I was wondering what was taking so long for us to turn around and see if we were having another boy or a little baby girl. Well, SO. MANY. BALLOONS. We also had to get all the grandparents on FaceTime.

We finally turned around to see Baby W wearing a Mickey Mouse hat saying “Big Brother” with a big blue mickey mouse balloon tied to his wrist. Essentially our baby boy was telling us that we were having another little baby boy! There was also a mickey mouse hat for Baby C saying “Baby Brother October 2022”. The whole experience was perfect, the pictures were amazing, the details were flawless, and it was that much more special because our family celebrated the moment with us.


  • Have someone designated to receive the results. Someone you know will be able to keep the secret.
  • Pick out a specific spot in the park that you want to be the background.
  • Let the person with the results know that if the baby is a girl pink Micky Mouse balloons are HARD to find. Make sure they are prepared. The only places you can find the “glasshouse balloons” is in Magic Kingdom on Main Street USA, Hollywood Studios on Hollywood Blvd, or in Disney Springs. You cannot order these balloons online.
  • Pick someone in your group who is good at capturing moments and designate them to be the photographer. I brought my nice Nikon DSR camera. If you have one I would recommend bringing it. I know it’s another thing to carry, but you will have beautiful photographs to look back on.
  • If you want the Mickey Mouse hat you can purchase it on Disney’s website. I suggest having it embroidered locally as it is most likely a cheaper option.

If done right, a gender reveal at Disney World’s Magic Kingdom is the most amazing experience that we recommend 100 times over.

All the love,
